Case #102 - Nothic

Muuuuuuusst… more….

Muuuusst seek more… moooooree iiit.

Iii feeel it. It. The pull. I must see it. Hold it. Inspect it. It must be mine. Where is it? I should see it.

Wherrreee isss it? Where is the secrets? I want to see them. I must see them.

YOU! You have it. Give it to me! What do you want for it? Secrets? I haas secrets. Give it to me and I will…. telll you… You with the book full of old spells. What will you giiive me? Yes I see your mind wondering about the things of old…. I seeeee mmmmmaaaaany things.

You wish to know about the statue? The one at that old elven gallery? Yeeesss… I have seen it. I have seen it with my eye. It is magical. It belongs to an old elf. Sheeee is very mean. She haaas many things to see. Much to be learned and seen. Now you give it to me - that which you hold, yes?

Good. Gooood. NOW GO. Unless you have more for me. I mussst see what is there. I feel it.. I muuussst. Muuuussst have more.

At the bottom of an old cavern lives an old creature in the shadows. Look for it if you must, but know it will see you first. It can be bargained with, if you come prepared with scrolls or magical items. Head my warning though; Bring it something new, something worth seeing. And don’t expect to go in there without hearing a few secrets you thought hidden from the world. Its eye sees all, and it knows more than most. Some say it is a cursed being from a Lich long ascended. Some say it is one of those so desperate to be a god themselves. Others simply know it to be what remains of a wizard who could not stop learning. Go carefully young wizard, and use this accursed creature as a warning: For those who seek endlessly, shall skulk endlessly seeking.