Puffin Forest


Shortly after getting interested in D&D, I found my YouTube recommendations being themed to Dungeons & Dragons. Whether this was because I had been saving all of my D&D stuff to Google Drive, searching for D&D things all the time, or simply was looking up a number of ‘how-to’ videos for character creation, I cannot tell you. Either way, the almighty Google decided I needed some laughter in the form of slightly more than stick-figure comedic D&D stories. And it was right.

Puffin Forest has now been my longest running D&D channel obsession. I love everything he produces, and the stories are great. He animates them in round characters that you may recognize as the next step from stick figures.

The storytelling is top notch, and I have not been let down by a single episode. They typically run through a mix of one-shots, major events in campaigns, and the odd overarching campaign (nicely summarized in bite size episodes). Definitely something I recommend for anyone interested in D&D casually, or looking for a fun web-series.

His informational episodes are also great, and definitely provide excellent learning experiences.

You can find their YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUpkp-6fXuG9dqfoJ99XTmw.

 May the d20 ever roll in your favour!