DnD Cheat Sheet Presents: Navigating the DnD Subreddits

So if you are anything like me, once you started looking into D&D you couldn’t stop! In my pursuit of knowledge, and to find some epic homebrews, I started browsing the infinite depths of the D&D subreddits!

This is a list I will keep updating with the different subreddits I find! If I am missing something, or have a detail, please comment below or send me an email!

  • r/DnD

    The main subreddit for Dungeons and Dragons. Here you will find discussions about homemade creations for playing/about the game (people’s custom props, dice, setups, artwork, etc.). You will also find some resources, great discussions about being a player and DM and some stories from games.

  • r/DMAcademy

    A great resource for dungeon masters / game masters. They have a lot of advice on playing the game, resources for DMing and an open discussion. This is a great place to find answers to common pain points from DMing, as well as a safe place to just rant about your players! Overall, I have found it to be a positive place with healthy constructive criticism.

  • r/DnDHomebrew

    This is one of the two best places to find a great variety of homebrew content for your D&D game. Most of it is designed to fit in 5th Edition. It is also a wonderful place to get advice on balancing your own homebrew content. If you are big into homebrew content, I strongly recommend checking DnDHomebrew out!

  • r/UnearthedArcana

    The second resource for homebrew content! I find this one is a bit more themed towards fitting within the Forgotten Realms. Named after the beta content published by Wizards of the Coast, I really find almost anything here can be plugged into your regular campaign. Another great place to post your content for advice and proofreading.

  • r/DNDnext

    If you are looking to stay at the cutting edge of D&D but prefer something official (or almost) you may want to check out the subreddit dedicated to the newest and upcoming changes by Wizards of the Coast!

  • r/DnDBehindTheScreen

    This is a great place if you are a DM looking for content to bring to your players. They have a large selection of tools, guides, and other resources.

  • r/DnDMaps

    I often find myself looking for maps to bring to my players, especially since we converted to a digital group (like so many in 2020). This subreddit was a life-saver for me!

Breaking this group out since it is less to do with D&D and more to do with those lovely math rocks that turn so many of us into dice goblins:

  • r/Dice

    For all things dice and dice related paraphernalia

  • R/DicePorn

    The go-to place for beautiful dice

  • r/DiceMaking

    Another subreddit I find myself on more times by accident than on purpose. If you have an interest in making your own dice, you will likely find yourself here at one point or another!

May the d20 ever roll in your favor!