The Adventuring Guild

Full disclosure: I ended up loving this podcast so much I supported it on Patreon and have now jumped into a number of episodes as well as the Chaos Plan. I do not earn any kickback from this podcast, and have written this review in as unbiased a way as I can.

A wealth of information on homebrew content, and an incredible expanding world rolled into one tavern.

I was first introduced to the Homebrew Review component of The Adventuring Guild by a friend of mine. He mentioned he was doing some D&D prep work for a podcast he is part of. He informed me they review homebrew content. So I took a listen (a month later) and instantly was hooked on a podcast for the first time. They review content by playing it. They theme each homebrew review session and play classes, races, and subclasses that fit within the theme. To begin with, they played a game at the levels: 4, 8, 12, and 16. After the third set of reviews, they added a level 20 game to each set as well. They have used both homebrew and published games. Podcast episodes are around an hour to an hour and a half in length, and include reviews of the content at each level and how they felt it played – as well as where they see room for improvement. So for an aspiring homebrew creator, I think it is a great opportunity to get it in someone’s hands and get consistent valuable feedback. I have to add, the players are hilarious individuals, who create some fantastic characters for these short sessions.

Since then, they have expanded in a few ways.

They now allow creators to sponsor their content and have it played or added! This has led to some amazing games with fantastic reviews.

They play a yearly charity game in support of Extra Life.

They have created their own universe, Arcadia. A homebrew rich, setting with an active-calendar filled with diverse and interesting characters all played by supporters and lovers of the podcast. This creates some really cool team-ups and crossover episodes – as the active calendar means just about anyone can group up with anyone as long as the players and one of the DMs are available.

I strongly recommend listening to this podcast if you have a love for D&D, and interest in Homebrew content, or want to listen in on an expanding universe!

They can be found at and supported on their Patreon:

May the d20 ever roll in your favor!